Vivint - Unethical Business Practices
I sent the following messages to Mauricio Gutierrez the Chief Executive Officer at NRG Energy the parent company of Vivint
Seeking a resolution for a Vivint Smart Home system that I purchased, from Sebastian Vizcarrondo.
Dear CEO,
I had the Vivint service and equipment installed at my home on September 5th. I have unsuccessfully been able to cancel this account and service and return the equipment per my initial request on Sept 26th.
I sent an email on Sept 26th to cancel the account after I received notification of a hard inquiry on my credit account and had a chance to read all of the terms and conditions of the contract.
At the time I agreed to the service, I was not aware that I was taking out a $4,478 loan to purchase monitoring equipment. I can buy equipment outright and would not need to finance equipment. I was also not aware of the fact that I would be paying an installation fee $149 and receiving 2 bills, 1 for monitoring and 1 for the equipment.
I was told that I had a 30-day trial period and if I was not satisfied for any reason, that I could return the equipment and cancel the service. The technician also confirmed this policy when he was on site installing the equipment on Sept 5, 2023.
The Sales rep also stated that there is no long-term commitment however, after receiving the paperwork I see that there is a 5-year commitment and almost $5,000 charge for the equipment.
The sales representative misrepresented this service, the billing, and the associated return policies.
I have contacted customer service via email and called the Customer Loyalty department 3 times and I have not been able to get a resolution. Each time I call to cancel, the customer representatives put me on hold for long periods of time > 1 hr suggesting that they are working on my request and trying to reach the sales rep or the management team, to get approval for the 30-day commitment agreement and are never able to reach them. This is not an acceptable or ethical way to conduct business.
I find the misrepresentation of the cost, terms, and billing construct to be unethical business practices. Your company should be upfront with its customers so people can make informed decisions that work best for their needs.
I would appreciate it if someone from management responds to me about this issue, which I have not been working on for 2 weeks to resolve.
I have been on several phone calls and exchanging emails with Andrea Jensen, Executive Resolutions - Proactive Escalation Prevention 385-446-**** since October 9th and still no resolution in sight.
User's recommendation: STAY AWAY! THEY ARE SCAMMERS!
Monetary Loss: $4627.
Preferred solution: Full refund.
Vivint Cons: Sales rep lied about terms, Conditions, Financing and billing.
Location: Fairburn, Georgia 30213, United States
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